As the school year begins, and you run into colleagues and friends that you haven't seen all summer, the same question seems to pop up..."What did you do this summer?"
I can truly say that this was the most busy, professional growth, fulfilling summers that I've had in a VERY long time and I LOVED every second of it!!!
The summer began with me attending ISTE in Chicago. Read all about my experience in Chicago here:
Meeting so many new edtech friends, learning about all kinds of new edtech possibilities for the classroom and catching up with old (in time, not age, lol) friends was amazing! I always look forward to attending this conference as it's the largest edtech conference in the world and brings together passionate, innovative educators from all over the world! This year didn't disappoint!

The week after family vacation was spent in Los Angeles, CA, as I was selected as 1 out of 37 Google Certified Innovators!!!! What an honor to receive such an elite certification!!! Read all about my Google Innovator #LAX18 journey here: This post does NOT do this experience justice!!! Going into this experience, we had to identify a problem in education that we are passionate about. In alignment with my dissertation research, I chose the topic of teacher attrition among new teachers. Research shows that a lot of new teachers experience burn out and leave the teaching profession within their first 3-5 years of teaching, leaving classrooms and students without a highly qualified teacher. I am very passionate about this topic, probably due to a previous job that I had that allowed me to work with paraprofessionals transitioning into teaching careers as middle school math and science teachers. I can't wait to see where the next year of this journey will take my idea and I hope it makes a positive impact on retaining teachers to the teaching profession!
And then I got to spend some time with teachers all across the south east and share my passion and knowledge of Google with them! Not only did I get to share my knowledge of this amazing educational resource, but I learned a LOT from those that I was with! I met educators from North Carolina, Augusta, and Lagrange! I expanded my professional learning network a TON and can't wait to share all that I've learned with my colleagues, teachers and students this year!
Here's a look at my summer by the numbers! Some other amazing things happened this summer and are mentioned in this graphic! I found this template on Ryan O'Donnell's website: He has a TON of educational resources and templates ready for educator use. Be sure to check it out!
What did you do this summer? Did you learn anything new? Take up any new hobbies? Let me know!
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