This post is a little professional and a little personal. Right around this time of year, I think a lot of us begin to reflect on the resolutions that we made on January 1 and examine how much progress we've made towards accomplishing them so far, along with figuring out how much we can realistically get accomplished before the end of the year. I am no exception to this!
Rachel Hollis, author of "Girl, Wash Your Face" (which, if you haven't read, you need to) has started a 90 day challenge to pick people up for these last 90 days of the year, refocus their intention, and push them towards accomplishing those goals that they set out to accomplish at the beginning of the year! I signed up for it, because, well, I LOVE a challenge. It began today!! She challenges members of this challenge to what she calls, "5 to thrive!" I already know that my challenges will be #1 and #2. I'm going to work at it though!
Every week of the challenge for the rest of the year, she will be sending out an email to those that signed up for the challenge and each of these emails will contain a powerful quote to focus on for the week. Here's what got us started today:
Reading Rachel's words in the email that I received this morning, really made me reflect on what I set out to do this year. At the beginning of the year, I wrote a blog post about my goals for the new year. Read all about it HERE! Below are the goals that I wanted to accomplish both personally and professionally. My responses to their progress are in red.
Professionally, I wanted to accomplish:
- Launching the first Google Bootcamp in our District! Check! I did this! Since then, several of my colleagues have started Google Bootcamps are their schools, with their teachers! We've see a LOT of success from this effort!
- Creating a district wide instructional technology podcast. I totally forgot about this one! I'll definitely be moving this goal to 2019! It's been SUPER busy!
- Creating a cohort of edtech superhero educators!!! This tells me that I need to be more specific with my goals! While I definitely believe that I've had an impact on numerous educators this year, I don't know that I'd call them a "cohort." I take this as a lesson learned to be more specific!
- Launching the next phase of Tablet2Read. Our district is currently working on this as we speak. We may be moving this to 2019 but we'll see!
- Launching the second year of our Central Office Tech and Talk Series. This one is in the works!
Personally, I wanted to accomplish:
- Continue growing my PLN on Twitter, learning from amazing ed tech educators! Check!
- Continue blogging, more often. Check!
- Spotlight Speak with EdTechTeam. Check! This has been the highlight of my year! The opportunities that have come as a result of this have been incredible! I've been able to meet AMAZING educators from all across the world and make a true difference!
- Deliver at least ONE keynote this year. Check! I've actually delivered several! It gets better and better each and every time that I deliver it. It's been a true pleasure to deliver my message of the importance of finding your why and living with intention to educators all across the nation!
- Sign up for and take Classy Videos by Tony Vincent. Check! I did indeed take Tony's course and would DEFINITELY recommend it to others! I LOVE that the course is still available for me to access. I've gone back to the videos numerous times to refresh my mind with the content that he shared.
- Renew my Google Certified Trainer status. Check!
- Renew my Microsoft Innovative Educator and Surface Expert status. Check!
- Apply for the Google Innovator program. Check! I applied annnnnnnd....I got in!!! CRAZY!!! Little ole me got in!! I spend time in Los Angeles with 37 other edtech educators from around the United States (and Canada) learning all about the Design Thinking Process as well as brainstorming a solution to my Google Innovator Project. More about this in the next blog, but check out for more information in the meantime!
- Being active with the second cohort of Our Voice Academy. In process!
- FINISH MY DISSERTATION and FINALLY become Dr. Natasha Rachell!!!! ALMOST!!!
- Attend ISTE. Check!
- Get healthier: eat better, exercise, drink more water, meditate. better, yes. Exercise, nope! Drink more water, at times! Meditate, not as much as I'd like.
- Continue on my spiritual journey. Always a work in progress!
- More to come..... There has been a LOT more and I'll blog all about this at the end of the year!

How about you, where are you with your 2018 goals? You've got 90 days to make magic happen!
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