Friday, September 8, 2017

The Friday Four

It's been a VERY hectic past few weeks but I am jumping back on my own #thefridayfour bandwagon!  Let's get it!!!

What went well this week?
 I allowed myself to rest.....and that was a GREAT thing!  Labor Day was on Monday and I did absolutely NOTHING!  My mind and my body needed it!  This week has been awesome as a result!  Coworkers even commented on Tuesday, how rejuvenated and rested I looked!  

What can I do better next week?
Next week, I have got to manage my time in a MAJOR WAY!!!  There are a few projects at work that are REALLY about to start to move forward and I am going to need to balance my time in order to get it all done!  This seems to be a theme every week, huh?  LOL

Who or what did I affect in a positive way this week?
Over the past few weeks, I've been helping a fellow colleague create her first blog!  She has been moved to help tell the stories of leaders in the field of education that are doing PHENOMENAL THINGS!  This week, IT LAUNCHED!!!!  I am soooo proud of her!  She has gone from not using technology a whole lot, to creating a blog, a Twitter account for her blog, AND I even taught her how to embed her Twitter feed into her blog!!!  This is the ONE thing that I wish Blogger would allow due time, right?

What is something I did professionally for myself?
I became an Apple Teacher!!!!  My good friend, and fellow edtech colleague, gave me a gentle push to check it out.  I did indeed check it out and earned my certification!  I'm SUPER excited!!!! 

There it is!  What are your #thefridayfour this week?


  1. I love reading your updates. It makes me get moving!

    1. Thanks, Tiffany! You are well on your way to doing amazing things in the educational space!
