Thursday, September 14, 2017

Why I LOVE Bitmoji!

If you are one of the LAST people on this earth that has NOT heard of Bitmoji....let me introduce you to this amazing-ness that has transformed the way I communicate!

Bitmoji is an amazing tool that allows you to create a "person"....a cartoon, if you will, of yourself!  You are able to change the skin complexion, eye shape, makeup, hair style, cut and color, clothing, etc!  Every Friday Bitmoji releases a new set of "cartoons" that you can use!  Recently, Bitmojis have taken over the world of educational technology!  People are using them to get their point across, in #booksnaps, in presentations, etc.  I LOVE them!!!  There is LITERALLY a Bitmoji for EVERYTHING!!!

Another thing that I love about it, is that is has a Chrome extension AND an app!!!!! I have texted several Bitmojis as responses to text messages!  The extension allows you to drag and drop your Bitmoji into where ever you want!  When you add a Bitmoji to a G-Suite product (ie. Docs, Slides, etc) you are able to double click on it, crop out what you don't want, and even add your own text to make it say what you want!  That's how I made my #thefridayfour Bitmoji!

I must admit that you can get into what I like to call the "Pinterest Time Suck" when you first get started with Bitmoji trying to create the PERFECT version of yourself!  I like to change her outfit with my mood, too!  You can make her sassy, classy, relaxed, pregnant, on the way to the gym, etc!  LOL!

I love the way that people see my Bitmoji before they meet me, like on social media, and when they meet me, they say, "You look JUST like your Bitmoji!"  Imagine your student's faces when they open their graded assignments back up in Google Classroom and find a cartoon character of you telling them "Good Job!" Think of all the possibilities!

Here are some of my favorites!

So, go give it a try!  Download the Chrome Extension and the app and add some flavor to your presentations and ed tech life!

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