Monday, September 25, 2017

Monday Minute: Tweet Deck

Happy Monday!

Recently, I was working with a colleague on how to facilitate and moderate a Twitter Chat.  She became very excited about the possibility of hosting her very own Tweet Meet, which in turn got me thinking about Tweet Deck!

Tweet Deck is an amazing resource that allows you to keep up with your chats easier and faster!  You are able to customize your dashboard to include certain people that you follow as well as different hashtags.  During a TweetMeet this critical as it keeps everything nicely organized and neat in columns for you!  The columns are able to be deleted, changed and even dragged and dropped where you would like them!

Currently, I have about 8 columns on my Tweet Deck. Each of these columns is automatically updated as new content comes in so there is no hitting the refresh button!  Here are the first 4 columns.

I created a quick sheet for her and thought I'd share it here as well!  Of course, where you see specific hashtags, you will want to change those to meet the chats that you are wanting to follow!

This also got me thinking about researching some educational chats that I could recommend to you guys!  So, here are a few:


What Tweet Chats are you following?  Have you tried using Tweet Deck before?  If not, try it out and let me know what you think!

Monday, September 18, 2017

Monday Minute!

Here's a quick tip for your Monday!

Have you downloaded the "CraftyText" Google Chrome Extension yet?  If not, what are you waiting for?  If you're a teacher or anyone else that needs to showcase text quickly and largely on your smartboard, you NEED this extension!

See that little "CT" there?  That's what this extension will look like in your Chrome Browser.  Once you install it, when you need it, you just click on it and you'll get this box:

Enter the text that you want to display in the box and hit "Display."

Bam!  Your text will appear largely across your screen.  When using this in the classroom on a smartboard, your text displays largely in the front of the room!  Once you're finished with needing the text to appear, you just click back on the little "CT" in your browser and it disappears!

You even have the option of shortening the URL if that's what you choose to display as well as creating a QR code for your audience to scan with their devices!  And because it displays so largely, you won't have students walking all the way up to the front of the room with their ipads attempting to scan a small QR code!

This is by far one of my favorite Chrome Extensions, mainly because of it's ease of use as well as it functionality!  Annnnd because one of my dear friends, Christ Craft, created it!  Download it and let me know what you think!

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Why I LOVE Bitmoji!

If you are one of the LAST people on this earth that has NOT heard of Bitmoji....let me introduce you to this amazing-ness that has transformed the way I communicate!

Bitmoji is an amazing tool that allows you to create a "person"....a cartoon, if you will, of yourself!  You are able to change the skin complexion, eye shape, makeup, hair style, cut and color, clothing, etc!  Every Friday Bitmoji releases a new set of "cartoons" that you can use!  Recently, Bitmojis have taken over the world of educational technology!  People are using them to get their point across, in #booksnaps, in presentations, etc.  I LOVE them!!!  There is LITERALLY a Bitmoji for EVERYTHING!!!

Another thing that I love about it, is that is has a Chrome extension AND an app!!!!! I have texted several Bitmojis as responses to text messages!  The extension allows you to drag and drop your Bitmoji into where ever you want!  When you add a Bitmoji to a G-Suite product (ie. Docs, Slides, etc) you are able to double click on it, crop out what you don't want, and even add your own text to make it say what you want!  That's how I made my #thefridayfour Bitmoji!

I must admit that you can get into what I like to call the "Pinterest Time Suck" when you first get started with Bitmoji trying to create the PERFECT version of yourself!  I like to change her outfit with my mood, too!  You can make her sassy, classy, relaxed, pregnant, on the way to the gym, etc!  LOL!

I love the way that people see my Bitmoji before they meet me, like on social media, and when they meet me, they say, "You look JUST like your Bitmoji!"  Imagine your student's faces when they open their graded assignments back up in Google Classroom and find a cartoon character of you telling them "Good Job!" Think of all the possibilities!

Here are some of my favorites!

So, go give it a try!  Download the Chrome Extension and the app and add some flavor to your presentations and ed tech life!

Friday, September 8, 2017

The Friday Four

It's been a VERY hectic past few weeks but I am jumping back on my own #thefridayfour bandwagon!  Let's get it!!!

What went well this week?
 I allowed myself to rest.....and that was a GREAT thing!  Labor Day was on Monday and I did absolutely NOTHING!  My mind and my body needed it!  This week has been awesome as a result!  Coworkers even commented on Tuesday, how rejuvenated and rested I looked!  

What can I do better next week?
Next week, I have got to manage my time in a MAJOR WAY!!!  There are a few projects at work that are REALLY about to start to move forward and I am going to need to balance my time in order to get it all done!  This seems to be a theme every week, huh?  LOL

Who or what did I affect in a positive way this week?
Over the past few weeks, I've been helping a fellow colleague create her first blog!  She has been moved to help tell the stories of leaders in the field of education that are doing PHENOMENAL THINGS!  This week, IT LAUNCHED!!!!  I am soooo proud of her!  She has gone from not using technology a whole lot, to creating a blog, a Twitter account for her blog, AND I even taught her how to embed her Twitter feed into her blog!!!  This is the ONE thing that I wish Blogger would allow due time, right?

What is something I did professionally for myself?
I became an Apple Teacher!!!!  My good friend, and fellow edtech colleague, gave me a gentle push to check it out.  I did indeed check it out and earned my certification!  I'm SUPER excited!!!! 

There it is!  What are your #thefridayfour this week?

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Tasha's Top Five Tech Tools (right for the Classroom!

Technology changes faster than the days go by!  With that said, it's imperative that we are (as cliche as it sounds) life long learners. Not going to lie...I get a LOT of my personal professional development on Twitter.  I find myself spending hours getting sucked into the Twitter abyss.  We've all been there, right?  You find yourself scrolling through your Twitter timeline, stumble across an informative Tweet, hit the hear, then you click on the attached it to read it and before you know it, you've started scrolling through their timeline, searching who they follow, and so on and so forth! You realize that HOURS have gone by and you've somehow stumbled to Pinterest and YouTube, too! I KNOW I'm not the ONLY one!

With all of the researching and reading that I do every day, I find myself TOTALLY immersed in a ton of apps, websites, web 2.0 tools, YouTube videos, etc!  I have curated what I consider to be the top 5 tech tools that, if I were still in the classroom, would be MUST HAVES from day one!  Of course, as time goes by and new tools are introduced, this can, will and should change to keep up with the ever changing world of instructional technology!  A few are oldies but goodies but are tried and true.  So, here are my top 5!

1.  Flipgrid
This INCREDIBLE tool gives students a voice!  I have previously talked about this tool in another post HERE.  The incredible hard working peeps at this company have just released a TON of new upgrades such as "stickies" that allow you to create some notes for reference before you start recording and "stickers" that allow students to decorate themselves and be creative.  During the keynote event, Charlie said something that stuck with me.  Teachers may not be crazy about the stickers, BUT let the students be creative with the stickers as their thumbnails for their videos!  The thumbnail is for the students BUT the content, the meat of the Flipgrid, is for the content!  In addition, the look and feel of the portal has been streamlined to look even more interactive, intuitive, and cool!

The ways to use Flipgrid are endless:  give students a topic and have them explain their answer, have the staff of your school create their introductions and post it to your school's website, use it to engage with the parents of your students to further create community, discuss current events and have students really be engaged in what's going on in the world, or create "Flipgrid Friday" in your classroom and have it become a part of your classroom "normal!"  I urge you to go to Twitter and find out how innovative educators are using Flipgrid in their classes and with their schools!

To learn more about all of the upgrades, go to Twitter and search #flipgridfever and watch the keynote HERE!

2.  Twitter
I don't know anyone who's NOT using Twitter right now!  But, if you are one of the few that still isn't on the Twitter background, let me tell you WHY you NEED to be using it!  Twitter not only allows you be engage in 24-7-365 professional development for yourself, but it's a great way to keep your students and parents engaged all year long!  Create a hashtag for your classroom that can be tracked throughout the year.  All you have to do to create a hashtag is come up with something creative, add the # in front of it, and there you go!  I have seen teachers have their students Tweet during the Presidential State of the Union Address, during an election, while on field trips, etc!  I've even seen an assignment where students take on the persona of a historic icon and create a "fake" Twitter feed of what that person (think Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, etc) would be Tweeting during the time period that they experienced.  Genius idea to integrate technology in the class!  Annnnd it doesn't hurt that students are ALREADY on Twitter! Talk about meeting them where they are, right!  Using a class hashtag is another way to have parents be able to quickly see what's going on in their student's classroom.  You can Tweet what happened in class that day, pictures (with the appropriate release forms, of course) of what your students are doing, links to forms that you need filled out, what the homework is for that day, the possibilities are endless!

3.  Remind
Remind is one of those tools that have been around for years, however I have been hearing more and more educators using it lately!  I love that tools like this never really go out of style!  Most recently, I have interacted with a principal who NEVER emails his staff....WHAT?!?!?  How is that possible?  He now has a blog that is internal to his staff and all of his updates, go on that blog.  He only posts there on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  He incorporates Remind into his practice of better and more effective communication by sending a Remind message to his staff once his post for that day goes live!  How genius is this?  Remind is one of the best communication tools to use with students, colleagues, and parents out there.  It's intuitive and simple to use.  Posts can be scheduled out to send later which makes planning for future communication so simple!

4.  Google and/or Microsoft
My district uses BOTH Google AND Microsoft!  We started off as a Microsoft district and have recently introduced Google.  Our teachers, administrators and schools have the autonomy to choose which of these tools, or even both work for their desired outcome.  It's important that we, as instructional technology leaders in the district don't tell them which tools to use, but rather find out what the educator is trying to accomplish and then recommend the technology tool that will enhance what their need is.  We never try to overwhelm our educators with a bunch of "tools" but rather provide a "menu" of resources to enhance their lessons, or whatever it is that they are wanting to accomplish.

Google and Microsoft both have the tools in their platforms to support this!  I have fallen in love with both of these platforms for different reasons.  A blogpost on what I love about both is forthcoming! Both of these platforms allow for users to create some sort of document, excel type sheet, power point presentation tool, and a form.  In addition, they both provide a portal to save and house all of the documents that a user would create!  No matter which one you choose to utilize, or even both, you can't go wrong!  In the words of Martha, or both of these portals, are a good thing...

5.  Kahoot and/or Quizizz and/or Plickers
Yes, I have included a three in one here!  LOL!  If you're an educator, you MUST formatively assess your students!  Why not integrate technology into this practice?  Kahoot and Quizizz work in a similar manner in that you are able to create an online quiz that students have fun answering the questions.  It's gameifying formative assessment!  One of the difference between the two is that the teacher controls the pace in Kahoot, but the student controls the pace in Quizizz.  Both of them contain a leader board that places your students in the order of correct answers chosen along with the time in which those answers were selected.  Both of them are also SUPER fun!  I am a VERY competitive person and have been known to get a little crazy in a PD session if the presenter chooses to utilize one of these tools!

Plickers is another awesome tool for formatively assessing students.  Students hold up one card in a set of cards that is specific to them and depending on the direction in which they hold the card, their answer is recorded via the teacher's cell phone or ipad with a simple scan of the room!  It's absolutely crazy and magical how awesome this tool is!  I remember the first time I saw it in action, I was BLOWN away!

So there you have it!  My top five tech tools that I would absolutely, without a doubt, would be using if I were still in the classroom!  What about you?  What are you currently using?  What are you top five?