In preparation for a Book Chat that I'll be participating in later this week, I've been knee deep in reading "Weekend Language" by Andy Craig and Dave Yewman. It's a quick read about "presenting with more stories and less powerpoint!" Sounds crazy, right? Ever since leaving the classroom back in 2010, I've been in some kind of role that requires me to present to people. In addition, I've presented at tons of conferences as well. And in the majority, if not all of these presentation situations, I've ALWAYS had a power point of some sort. Sometimes it was Prezi, or Google Slides, Microsoft Sway, or Emaze or good ole' Power Point! In the beginning, I know that I definitely packed a TON of words on each slide in an attempt to get my audience ALL of the information that I thought they needed. The more seasoned I become in presenting, I definitely use fewer words on my presentation slides (whichever format it's in), but have never totally abandoned some sort of presentation tool all together.
Alas!!!!! Weekend Language comes along (a gift from Our Voice Academy) and TOTALLY challenges the belief that you NEED a Power Point to get your point across during a presentation! The authors challenge you to ditch the Power Point for 30 days and see what happens! During Our Voice Academy, each of us had to deliver a 5 minute snippet of a key note presentation and use either no slides or VERY minimal slides. We were challenged to become experts in story telling to get our points across. One of the sections in Weekend Language talks about the mission and vision of a golf company and how it became more refined after new leadership took over. They began marketing themselves as "a candy store for golfers!" Everyone can visualize that because we've all had the experience of walking into a candy store and being excited, happy, amazed and sometimes even overwhelmed at all of the colors, sweetness, wonder and choices of being in a candy store! They go on to discuss what they refer to as "sticky messaging" in which the message becomes "sticky" and everyone is talking about it or repeating it. Messages like this stick in our brains and even our hearts as we continue on through life because we remember them. The messages have become stuck!
It got me to thinking about this.....
As educators, are we creating lessons and experiences for our students that make them feel as if they are in a candy store? Are they amazed, engaged, and filled with wonder at what we are teaching them each and every day? Are we presenting content in a way that will stick with our students and remain stuck in their minds, not just for a test, but for the rest of their lives?
I remember being in my 8th grade science class, and Mr. Savaso was teaching us about parasites. He had this little jingle that he would recite that said, "cook your meat and wash your feet!" I still to this day, have a visual of him singing that jingle and envisioning the importance of cooking meat thoroughly enough so as to not get sick from some sort of parasite. Or washing your feet really well after walking around barefoot.
We rely a lot on technology to teach the content but I challenge you to remember that the technology is ONLY THE TOOL to DELIVER THE CONTENT!!!! As you are creating your lessons and planning all of the amazing things that you will do with your students, YES, you definitely want to include different web 2.0 tools and apps, etc into your lessons, but remember that it's how YOU present the content and the experiences that YOU create that will make the content stick with your students! Just because we tell our kids to use some amazing new piece of technology, does not mean that the content will stick. Remember it's JUST A TOOL! It's what YOU do with it, that will create the magic and the "stickiness" that will make our students remember the experiences going forward! Create the feeling of an amazing candy store full of wonder, hope, and sweetness that will have your students remember you, your class, and the content.....forever.
As a little girl, living in Canada, I remember my mom making me sit down with her, probably around the holidays, to watch The Sound of Music (TSOM), starring Julie Andrews with her. It quickly became one of my favorite movies and I can sing the soundtrack with my eyes closed! And I absolutely CANNOT hold a note so you can imagine what that sounds like. I'm what I like to call a "shower singer" or a "car singer." In my mind I sound like a mix between Beyonce, Ella Fitzgerald and Whitney Houston! I digress....
I have two sons, a junior in college and an eighth grader and surprisingly (not really) they, nor my husband have any interest in watching The Sound of Music with me any time of the year, let alone around the holiday season. Recently, I have discovered that a few of my coworkers also share this love and passion of this holiday classic with me and prior to letting out for the holidays, we had a few cubicle concerts while working!
Watching this movie a few weeks ago, I was singing the songs and had a thought! Some of the songs in TSOM, relate to the world of instructional technology. I challenge you to come along on this journey with me throughout this post as we begin to center our thoughts around the work we will do in this realm in the new year!
For those of you that LOVE The Sound of Music as much as I do, I'm including the YouTube videos for each of the songs that I'm referencing below! Feel free to sing along...I am as I'm typing this! For those of you that don't share this guilty pleasure of mine, I challenge you to click on at least ONE of the videos below to "put you in character" as you finish reading this post! 😁
I Have Confidence
This song makes you feel empowered to do anything! Let me set this up for you! Maria (Julie Andrews) has left the Abbey to go and be a Nanny for the VonTrap family. She is nervous and excited at the same time to go on this new journey. As she leaves the Abbey on her way to her new life, she belts out this song. Part of the song says, "I've always longed for adventure. To do the things I've never dared. Now here I'm facing adventure. Then why am I so scared?" In regard to edtech, this makes me think about how we feel on the first day of school when we are going to meet a new class of students, or when we've changed schools or positions, or at the beginning of a new year, or when we are about to implement a new tool. Why do we get scared? What are we afraid of? I challenge you to plant yourself, be excited for the journey that you've signed up for, and dive in head first! We've chosen to become educators, administrators, ed tech leaders, or whatever you are, so don't be scared! Embrace the journey and know that your path is different than those around you. You have no reason to be scared! Have confidence! You can and you will do whatever you set your mind out to!
My Favorite Things
This is my absolute FAVORITE song from TSOM! I have blogged and tweeted about numerous of my favorite ed tech things! Here are a few: Twitter, Flipgrid, Google Apps for Education, Microsoft Suite for Education, Kahoot, Quzziz, Today's Meet, Padlet, the Reflector App, to name a few. I like to keep the list of my favorite things iterative in nature because technology changes all of the time. This group of my favorites have been going strong for a while, however I'm always looking for the next big thing! There have been times when I have tried a new tool and it has failed miserably!! These are the times that I go back to my toolbox of favorites and to what I know works! Maria sings, "When the dog bites, When the bee stings, When I'm feeling sad, I simply remember my favorite things, And then I don't feel so bad." When we try something new and it fails, it can feel like a dog bite or a bee sting. However, if we just remember our favorite things and those tried and true things that we know to work, we will always have a back up plan!
Climb Ev'ry Mountain
What are you dreaming for in your classroom, for your students, for your school or for your district? "Climb every mountain, Search high and low, Follow every byway, Every path you know, Climb every mountain, Ford every stream, Follow every rainbow, 'Til you find your dream." Coming back to school and work in January is a mix of feelings. There's a lot of excitement for the newness, possibility and wonder of a new year to make a difference. There's a feeling of being refreshed. There's also a feeling of being half way there! One more semester to go before the summer break, the countdown is on! I want you to consider this to be the beginning of the next 5 months to be able to make a difference and pour into your students, teachers or administrators. Train your mind to not be on the countdown about a job that you HAVE to do, but rather a 5 month opportunity to make a difference and create positive and impactful change! So again I ask, what are you dreaming for? What mountain has been in front of you that you've been wanting to climb? Is there a new tech tool that you've been wanting to learn? Have you wanted to start a blog or a podcast? What about Skyping or Google Hangout-ing with students in another country? Starting a school wide Twitter account? Whatever it is, do it! Climb that mountain! Follow your rainbow! You can do it!
The reason that I included this song, is because if you think about it, the order in which a song comes together is the same as a good technology lesson coming together. In TSOM, when Maria is teaching the VonTrap children how to sing, she teaches them the basics that make up any song, do-re-mi. Once you have the basics, you can sing any song. The same goes for the world of ed tech. Once you know the basics, you can create an awesome lesson. Follow me here....once you have the content that you want to teach (the notes, the do-re-mi), you can use any tool (the song) to enhance the content. I always share with my teachers and administrators that you don't ever want to pick a tool first! This is a trap! Don't do it!!! As educators, we go to conferences and hear about a cool new tool and want to go back and use it with our class tomorrow! Don't!!! It won't work!!! Technology tools are NEVER something to do! Tech tools should enhance the lessons and and act as a vehicle to deliver the content! So, get the basics down. What is it that you want your students to learn? Once you know that, you can choose the vehicle, or the tools to get you there!
Something Good
Something Good is such a romantic, feel good song. Maria and Captain VonTrap sing to each other as they declare their love for each other. "Perhaps I had a wicked childhood. Perhaps I had a miserable youth. But somewhere in my wicket, miserable past, there must have been a moment of truth." They go on and on but these lines really resonated with me in the following manner. As educators, we all bring something different to the table. We all have a past. We all grew up differently and have a lot to bring to the table. The fact that you have been chosen and selected to be an educator, an ed tech leader, or otherwise is a BIG deal! You have an opportunity and a responsibility to take the very best of you each and every day and use it to make a difference. Your past is your past. It's YOUR truth. Own it!!! I think we become a lot more approachable to our students and our peers when we are transparent and relatable. As the song says, you may have had a not so good childhood but you had a moment of truth when you decided and demanded better for your life and your future. You know how I know this? Because you're here, on this day, at this exact moment.
So Long, Farewell
Now, with all of that being said, if you try a tool out in your class and it doesn't work, so long, farewell, it goes! One of the amazing results of creating relationships with your students along with a safe environment, is that you can take risks right along with your kids! Be transparent with them when you want to try something new! I guarantee they'll be open to it! They may even help you with it's implementation! Be honest with them, though! Once you've tried, get their feedback. Take time to reflect on the lesson and tech integration. Use your feedback and theirs to make changes for improvement or even get rid of the idea all together and go back to the drawing board!
So, there you go! You now know that I'm a SUPER fan of The Sound of Music! What about you...what do you have to confidence to do? What are some of your favorite things? What mountains are you climbing? What's something good that you've done so far this year? Has there ever been a time when you've had to get rid of a tool or lesson because it simply just didn't work?
Today is January 1, 2018 and as I sit here enjoying the last days of the holiday break, preparing and planning of the new year, I can't help but to reflect on 2017 and all that it brought! At the end of 2016, I declared that my #oneword for 2017 would be "INTENT." I chose this word based upon witnessing my twin brother's recovery from a horrific car accident that left him having to learn how to breathe, eat and talk all over again. He's still learning how to walk. His experience has reiterated to me the importance of living with intent and not taking any second of any day for granted. I can truly say, that I lived 2017 with intent. I stepped out of my comfort zone, stepped out on faith, and conquered a lot of fears!
Here are a few of the things that I conquered in 2017, fears that I overcame, experiences that brought me joy, and things that I'm proud of!
Tablet2Read At work, we are in the middle of providing all of our first grade students with a tablet that they will be able to take home as a means of increasing literacy and providing remediation opportunities. This year, I created the handbook for this project and was a part of the successful launch and pilot of the project. To see the looks of the children's faces when they received their tablets was so fulfilling! I helped leading the efforts in creating the project's name, the logo, choosing the applications, the device, and created the training plan for implementation. We are getting ready to launch phase 2 and I'm so excited! We also presented about this project at #GAETC this year!
Central Office "Tech Talk Series"
This was fun! I was able to successfully launch a series of educational technology trainings for our central office staff! My colleagues and I created and facilitated 3 sessions, 1 each month in the Spring (February, March and April) that allowed for colleagues in our central office to come and learn what is going on in the schools. We led sessions on Google, Microsoft and other Web 2.0 tools that would help make their work days easier! They were blown away at the ability to collaborate virtually and as a result, Google an Microsoft use have skyrocketed in our district!
Classy Graphics
Scrolling through Twitter one day, and maaaayyybeeee stalking Tony Vincent's feed, I saw that he was going to be hosting a class called Classy Graphics. It was a 6 week course that he facilitated, created content and videos for, and taught it's participants how to create graphics that were sure to be eye catching! I signed up and LOVED every second of it! I looked forward to the new videos and assignments releasing every week and couldn't wait to try my hands at what he was teaching! He is now going to release a Classy Videos course that I will DEFINITELY be signing up for and I can't wait. If you see this offered, trust me, you NEED to do this!!
Started This Blog and created my LLC
This was a HUGE step out of my comfort zone moment for me! Not only did I get inspired to start my own educational technology company that allows me to share my love of all things edtech with others, but I started this blog and have had some AMAZING traffic to it! I am so humbled and blown away that so many of you care to read what I have to say! I love learning and sharing with others so this is a win win for me!
Google Certified Trainer
A couple of years ago, Chris Craft came and trained our staff on all things Google before our district implemented Google Apps for Education. He inspired to me to delve deeper into the world of Google and as a result I completed the requirements to become a Google Certified Trainer! The knowledge and experiences that have come along as a result of this have been so rewarding!
Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert
This is my second year as an MIEExpert and I have LOVED every minute of it! My district is a Google and Microsoft district so I have to be proficient in both! Being an MIEE has been so amazing and the educators that I am fortunate enough to interact with make me a better educator! The number of MIEEs in the state of Georgia have significantly grown this year and that just means that there are more people to learn from and collaborate with!
Twitter I think I learn more from Twitter than I do anywhere else! I have loved virtually meeting (and then meeting in real life) so many of my edtech heroes. Being active on Twitter is the BEST way to grown your professional learning network. There is soooo much professional development available out there on Twitter! All you need to do is get involved! I've loved taking part in different Twitter chats (ie. #alphasquirrels, #msftedu, etc) and learning from others all around the world!
This was by far the BEST ISTE experience that I've ever had!! I met soooo many amazing educators and got to interact with some really really smart people! This was the first year that I was able to attend the Google Certified Trainer Meet-Up, the Alpha Squirrels Meet-Up, and the Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert Meet-Up! San Antonio was beautiful, hot, but beautiful! Seeing Jennie Magiera deliver the keynote was so inspirational! Who knew that I'd meet her later in the year??
EdTechTeam Virtual Summit Some how I was asked if I'd be interested in participating in the first Virtual Summit held by EdTechTeam. Uhhhh, yeah!!! I've blogged about this experience so won't relive it here, but it was amazing! I was able present alongside some of the edtech people that I've looked up to and fangirled on Twitter over! Definitely a highlight of 2017!
Our Voice Academy
BEST experience of 2017! I'm STILL on a high from this experience! Again, I've blogged about this a few times so you can read all about my experience there. Being able to learn from 19 other minority ed tech leaders for a weekend in Minnesota was mind blowing! I am so excited to use what I learned during this Academy in the future to help me continue to share my story and amplify my voice. The main takeaway from OVA was that we all have a voice that deserves to be heard!
Looking forward to 2018 There is sooooo much that I'm looking forward to in 2018! The #oneword that I have chosen for 2018 is "BE." I want to be present, be mindful, be intentional, be kind, and be impactful, just to name a few.
Professionally, there are a lot of ideas that I have for my school district that I can't wait to share with our teachers and students! Some of these include:
Launching the first Google Bootcamp in our District!
Creating a district wide instructional technology podcast.
Creating a cohort of edtech superhero educators!!!
Launching the next phase of Tablet2Read.
Launching the second year of our Central Office Tech and Talk Series.
Personally, I am looking forward to a lot as well! Whether or not I will accomplish all of this is left to be determined, however these are SOME of the things that I want to do/accomplish in 2018. I post these as a means of accountability for myself and I figure that once I put it out there, I don't have a choice, but to do it! So, hold me accountable!
Continue growing my PLN on Twitter, learning from amazing ed tech educators!
Continue blogging, more often.
Spotlight Speak with EdTechTeam.
Deliver at least ONE keynote this year.
Sign up for and take Classy Videos by Tony Vincent.
Renew my Google Certified Trainer status.
Renew my Microsoft Innovative Educator and Surface Expert status.
Apply for the Google Innovator program.
Being active with the second cohort of Our Voice Academy.
FINISH MY DISSERTATION and FINALLY become Dr. Natasha Rachell!!!!
Attend ISTE.
Get healthier: eat better, exercise, drink more water, meditate.
Continue on my spiritual journey.
More to come.....
What accomplishments are you most proud of from 2017? What's your #oneword for 2018? What are you most looking forward to in 2018? Write it down and find an accountability partner! You can do whatever you set your mind to!