Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Adult Reading Logs!

I LOVE to read!  The truth is that I don't have a TON of time to do it!  When I was a little girl, I had a small nook in my parent's garage where I set up a makeshift library.  I put all of the books that I could get my hands on on the shelves in my little nook.  I created a handwritten list of all of the books in alphabetical order.  Whenever I would remove a book from my library, I would "check it out" to myself.  Once I was done reading it, I'd return it back to the library.  I kept track of all of these transactions on notepaper attached to a clip board.  I remember that I would stay in that little nook for hours just reading and escaping into the worlds that the books created!  

Now that I'm older and spend my "extra time" (what even is extra time???) researching, working, going to the gym (sometimes....don't judge) and attending my son's extra curricular activities, I just don't have the time to leisure read as much as I would like.  I love the idea of audio books but there is just something about physically holding a book in my hands that is therapeutic.  

I recently stumbled across a blog written by my new #edtech friend, Mari Venturino and have become reenergized to get back to my passion of reading.  Check her blog out HERE. At the beginning of the new year, I set out to read at least one book a month for a total of 12 books for the year.  I was proud of this goal, UNTIL I ready Mari's blog!  Last year she read over 50 books!!!!  Now this was a combination of audio, physical and ebooks but the point is that she made time for what she enjoys doing....reading!

So, here it is, March of 2018 and I am almost done with my first book!  Again, no judgement....I've been busy people!  Mari posted an AWESOME reading log in Google Sheets (Click HERE to get it) that she shares on her blog.  It's the COOLEST thing ever!!  It automatically creates a cute little pie chart and organizes all of your data like what genres of books you read, how many pages you've read, etc!  It's too cute!  Because I love accountability and making lists....annnnd checking boxes, this is right up my alley!  

Check out Mari's blog and her reading list.  And be sure to make a copy of her reading log!  Join me on this reading journey!  If you come across something awesome, recommend it!  I have a looooong TBR (to be read) list but I'm always looking for a good read!


  1. Actually, I am facing some difficulties to understand the meaning of the blog. If you have any short video film related to your blog, then I would request you to share here. It would be great help.
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    1. Hi Kory!
      I am sharing a simple and easy way to keep up with the number and types of books that you read every year!
