Friday, July 28, 2017


It's that time again!!!  Time to reflect!

1.  What went well this week?
I prepared a presentation for our district wide professional learning day that would be shared with all of our K-5 educators!  I used a lot of the skills that I learned in Tony Vincent's, Classy Graphics course!  I definitely feel more creative as a result of taking his course and using what I've learned to create amazing presentations that will be utilized during professional development.

2.  What can I do better next week?
Time management still continues to be something I need to improve on.  There just never seem to be enough hours in the day.  I have a planner that I use and I still run out of time!  Maybe I need to plan my day hour by hour....hmmmm.....

3.  Who or what did I affect in a positive way this week?
I helped one of the coordinators in our district with Google as she prepared for a working session this week.  She had a unit plan template that she needed to disseminate to her teachers.  While working in pairs, they needed to access the document, work within the document collaboratively and send it back to her.  We set her up a shared Google Drive that she then turned into a tiny.url and her teachers had at it!  They made copies of the template, renamed it with their information, collaborated on the document and then it was there waiting for her!  It worked perfectly!  We opted to go this route instead of using the Teams Drive because she didn't have the time to manually add each teacher in one by one.  Once she has time to do so, I'll work with her to create a Team Drive and move that folder into the drive so everyone is able to access it going forward!

4.  What is something I did professionally for myself?
I spent a lot of time in #classygraphics the course and resources this week!  I had to quickly create a flyer that is going to be administered at our Back2SchoolBash tomorrow.  I also started creating a series of graphics that I am calling "The Anatomy of..."  These are graphics that show the anatomy, or parts of different ed tech resources that I come across and love!  Of course I used those #classygraphics skills to create them!

Tag!  You're it!  What are YOUR Friday Four?

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